about us


The process we use at Purple Tasche is unique. Our unrivalled team work closely with you on every aspect of your project, maximising your brand’s potential. Our skills, attention to detail, creative service and quick turnaround will bring all of your projects to life. We believe that consistency is the key to a successful business.

This is why we offer everything you need to make your brand stand out in one place. Our skills range from Branding, Marketing, Social Media Design & Content, Packaging, Printing and much, much more! With Purple Tasche you get more than just a Graphic Designer.

We offer support, guidance and advice throughout the design process to help push your business in the right direction.

Meet the team

Meet Amy (on the left) she is our Graphic Designer, Director of Purple Tasche, Branding Manager and Twin One. Lucy (on the right) is our Graphic Designer, Director of Purple Tasche, Social Media Manager and Twin Two.


We love Cars, Golf, Chocolate, all things Design and of course Moustaches.